Who doesn't like a mix of foxes, autumn tones and giant owls creeping out from behind vintage furniture? I sure do. Inspired this week by the "Mulberry A/W 2011" video add campaign with set design by Shona Heath (amazing) and photography by Tim Walker (you've definately seen his Alice in Wonderland shoots which are pretty damn spectacular). This iconic fashion brand releases an artistic add campaign to accoumpany their new collection every year and the results are all pretty spectaular. Laid-back elegance and edge of decadence are the key. Think foxes and feathers, all with a lovely blending of soft colouring and rich plum tones which complement the porcelain models prefectly. I'm particularly enamoured by the giant birds, foxes and other animalia that are digitally enhanced to be larger than life, often seen peeping out behind the models, catching the eye but somehow never quite detracting from the beautiful clothing. I've added some photo's of the shoot, enjoy the visual slendour (in my opinion).
Check out artistic director, Shona Heath's website
here. She's delightful.
This ad had been a great source of inspiration for my latest piece entitled "Esmarelda (Fair but Somber)", drawn with graphite, embellished with ink splattered with watercolour. I've pressed some more pretty petals which act as a Victorian style headpiece, with some doilies for good measure. (The photo doesn't show that but this was work in progress shot at the time and I don't have a more recent photo).
"Esmerelda (Fair But Somber)"
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ink, graphite, watercolour, pressed flowers and fabric on paper.